

I learned a valuable lesson while listening to a highly successful local business woman speak and it involved the word “pivot.”  I didn’t fully appreciate the meaning behind the word and it’s impact until sometime later. In the business world,...

“And the Survey Says?”

Family Feud made surveys fun.  Completely random questions were asked of individuals. The answers would be numbered on the board with the most popular answer ranked first followed by the remaining responses in descending order of popularity.  My favorite part was the...

Not a “Field of Dreams”

Who doesn’t love the movie “Field of Dreams?”  It stars Kevin Costner who plays a farmer that has a vision of a baseball diamond right in the middle of his corn field and then hears the words “If you build it, he will come.”  This is a...

Who Are You Targeting?

It still surprises me when I hear the answer “anyone” when someone is asked about who their ideal customer is.  To me, it sounds like they really don’t know who that “anyone” really is. In today’s highly competitive market, with the...

Level the Playing Field

On the surface it would seem that small business could not possibly compete with big business in term of marketing themselves. Fortunately, the arrival of social media has played a significant role in leveling the playing field.  Now, small businesses can achieve the...

Piggyback Marketing

Like most successful marketing tactics, piggyback marketing has been around for some time but is often a commonly overlooked strategy. When implemented correctly, it is a very resourceful marketing technique. According to Business Directory, piggyback marketing is...
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